Saturday, August 16, 2014

Artistic talents

Let's get one thing straight: I am no artist. I failed Art so many times in middle school. And when I saw fail, I mean F's. To this day, my one artistic achievement is this one painting I did of Shadow Lugia, Pikachu and Chikorita at the end of 8th grade.

It hangs proudly in my room back home after all these years
Fastforward 8+ years and nothing has changed. Even with the simplest artistic stuff, I still fail. That's why when I had to work on the aesthetic design of Protect The Jollof, I knew there would be trouble.

Yesterday I attempted to work on the background of the level. This is what ended up happening:

Yeah, I may take everything off and make it plain.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Back from the dead

First off, apologies for the lack of updates. I got caught up in a fairy tale job hunting story that ended abruptly yesterday.

I did manage to get some work done in that time. I had planned to show a gameplay video at my interview. I never got a chance to so here's a super raw gameplay video where you can hear my exasperated sighs.
13 days to PAX Dev. Time to put in super werk!!!